Intraoperative 3D ConfirmsYour Results Intraoperative 3D imaging Intraoperative 3D imaging and CT-like imaging provides precise information from every angle during thesurgical procedures--pinpoint anatomical structures, implants and screws more confidently. Large volume of 3D imaging Delivers a 3D image covering a volume of a vertical cylinder 18cm high by 18cm diameter, more informationwould be seen in one volume:
Seven cervical vertebrae
Seven thoracic vertebrae
Five lumbarvertebra
Bilateral iliosacral joints
Femur head and unilateral pelvis
Easy 3D setup Thanks to wide space of C-arm,3D scan procedure takes around 60s for complete information,which translates into reduced surgery time for clinical work.
More efficient workflow Intuitive intraoperative 3D evaluation avoids unnecessary postoperative CT scans and correctivesurgery, saving time and costs.
Complete 3D scan With iso-centric scan technology,190°orbital movementin a motorized 3D scan from anydirectiongiving you complete, highly accurate 3D information in outstanding quality. Steps to Create a 3D Image