advantages and indications of MRI in each site are introduced below.
1. Brain
The position of the central nervous system is fixed and is not affected by
respiratory movement and gastrointestinal peristalsis, so the central nervous
system has the best effect on MRI. The multi-orientation, multi-parameter and
multi-axis oblique section of MRI is extremely superior in the localization and
qualitative diagnosis of central nervous system diseases. There is no skull artifact
in craniocerebral MRI examination, and the contrast of gray and white matter
signal is high, which makes craniocerebral MRI examination obviously superior to
CT. Especially in the diagnosis of early cerebral infarction is the best method in
the world. Except for acute trauma and hyperacute cerebral hemorrhage, MRI
should be the first choice for craniocerebral imaging examination.
2. Spine and spinal cord
Compared with CT, MRI has the advantages of wide imaging range,
multi-directional imaging, no bone artifacts and high contrast. MRI should be the
first choice for spine and spinal cord examination except for fracture and
3. AbdomenMulti-parameter technique is of great value in the differential diagnosis of liver
lesions without the use of contrast media. MRCP combined with its technology
has irreplaceable advantages in the diagnosis of pancreatic and bile duct diseases.
MRI can clearly show the renal cortex and medulla, can identify the location, size,
shape and extent of invasion of the mass, and can distinguish the mass as cystic,
solid and fatty. There is also a good display of pancreatic lesions without
4. Limbs and joints
MRI has a good display effect on osteomyelitis of extremities, tumors in soft
tissues of extremities and vascular malformations. MRI can clearly display nerves,
tendons, blood vessels, bone, cartilage, articular capsule, synovial fluid, and